Using React Native UI toolkits with Expo and CRNA
Update: This post is out of date. Find more information on the most popular UI libraries available in React Native and Expo.
Folks often drop by the Expo Discord and ask us if we support NativeBase, Shoutem UI, and React Native Elements. tl;dr: yes, we do.
We edited this post on June 14, 2017 to update the instructions!
How to use them on your project
- To use NativeBase: Follow the instructions on the NativeBase repo.
- To use React Native Elements: Follow the instructions on their repo.
- To use Shoutem UI: Check out this example.
So, should you use these in your apps? That’s up to your personal taste! Give them a try and make the call. One piece that I would suggest avoiding is the
navigation related components: side menus, iOS style bottom tab bars, and
Android style sliding tab bars. React Navigation is a better choice
for navigation components. You can try out the React Native Playground project here to see what I mean:
Are you working on a UI toolkit or some other component and want to be sure that it works well with Expo and create-react-native-app? Reach out to me on Twitter, I would be happy to help!